A Ladybird Book / A Ladybird Book: Rainforests


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A rainforest is a natural environment covered in tall trees that receives an incredibly high volume of rainfall. These lush forests are home to over half of all the species of animal and plants in the world!Rainforests takes readers on a journey through some of the world’s most incredible rainforests to discover the animals, plants and people who call those rainforests home. Along the way readers will learn about how rainforests can help combat climate change and how we can all work together to protect rainforests for future generations.You can build your own encyclopedia with A Ladybird Book.Other titles available in this series:The Ancient EgyptiansAnimal HabitatsBaby AnimalsClimate ChangeElectricityThe Human BodyInsects and MinibeastsPlanet EarthRivers The RomansSea CreaturesThe Solar SystemThe Stone AgeTrainsTreesVolcanoesWeatherWindrush

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