A Ladybird Book / A Ladybird Book: Windrush


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The arrival of HMT Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks, Essex in 1948 was turned into a significant event by the British media but it is only one small part of a bigger story.Windrush looks at the movement of people after the Second World War in Britain. In an accessible and child-friendly way, the book explores the treatment of Black people, the struggles they faced and those they continue to face as well as celebrating the legacy of the Windrush generation in modern Britain.You can build your own encyclopedia with A Ladybird Book.Other titles available in this series:The Ancient EgyptiansAnimal HabitatsBaby AnimalsBritish Kings and QueensClimate ChangeElectricityThe Human BodyInsects and MinibeastsMountainsPlanet EarthRainforestsRiversThe RomansSea CreaturesThe Solar SystemThe Stone AgeTrainsTreesVolcanoesWeather

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