Baby Touch / Baby Touch: Toys: a black-and-white book


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Introduce your baby to all kinds of toys with this gorgeous black-and-white book!Designed to develop babies‘ eyesight from birth, this high-contrast book with clearly-defined images and simple text will engage your child’s senses as they discover all their favourite toys. Spot the stacking rings, stripy ball and cuddly teddy bear – and look out for the surprise touch-and-feel on the final page!This black-and-white book:Stimulates visionEncourages sensory developmentRecommended for children aged 0+Illustrated by Lemon Ribbon StudioAlso available:Baby Touch: Faces: a black-and-white bookBaby Touch: Animals: a black-and-white bookBaby Touch: Vehicles: a black-and-white book Baby Touch: My First Book: a black-and-white cloth bookBaby Touch: A black-and-white buggy book

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