Dr. Seuss Workbooks / Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 1


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Learn and play with Dr. Seuss in this ultimate 1st grade workbook, with over 300 curriculum-based activities covering English, math, social emotional learning, and science!This multi-subject, curriculum-based workbook is developed by education experts, designed to give little learners in 1st grade a well-balanced education. With perforated pages for easy on-the-go use, your child will learn essential skills for school and life—while having fun! Each playful exercise features familiar Dr. Seuss characters that reinforce school lessons and ensure success in and out of the classroom. This workbook also comes with reward stickers to mark the end of every activity, plus completion certificates for each subject to help build your child’s confidence! Your child will learn about: Vowels and consonants Sounding out words Counting to 100 Measurement units Body parts Kindness  Also available: Dr. Seuss Workbook: Preschool, Dr. Seuss Workbook: Kindergarten, Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 2, Dr. Seuss Workbook: Grade 3

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