Kids Easy Cup Cookbook: Baking with Kids (Part 1), Baking box set incl. 5 colorful measuring cups, m. 1 Buch, m. 5 Beilage


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Kids easy cup Cookbook: „Baking with Kids“ Part 1, Baking box set incl. 5 colorful measuring cupsWith 15 delicious German and European recipes for cakes & cookiesWeighing 500 g flour and 100 g sugar? It’s easy with the „Kids‘ Easy Cup Cookbook!“ By using the cups, with their different sizes and colors, children are able to measure ingredients and make dough all by themselves. Every step is explained in clearly arranged and well structured picture-by-picture instructions. Using this book, children are able to bake almost without the help of an adult. This strengthens a child’s independence and confidence. Experience how proud children are of their handmade delicacies for yourself!Contents: 15 easy, kid-appropriate recipesApple Cake – Marble Cake – German Nut Cake – Chocolate Chunk Cake – Nut MuffinsLemon Muffins – Cupcakes – Smilie Cookies – Whoopie Pies – Belgian Waffles – Chocolate Chip CookiesMother’s Day Hearts – Bear Cookies – Chocolate Button Cookies – German Gingerbread

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