Kids Easy Cup Cookbook: Cooking with Kids (Part 2), Cooking box set incl. 5 colorful measuring cups, m. 1 Buch, m. 5 Beilage


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Kids easy cup Cookbook: „Cooking with Kids“ Part 2, Cooking box set incl. 5 colorful measuring cups With 18 savory European & Geman recipes for complete meals Hungry for a hearty pasta bake with ham, crispy baked meatballs or a tasty Pizza? It’s easy with the „Kids‘ Easy Cup Cookbook“.¿ By using the cups, with their different sizes and colors, children are able to measure ingredients and make tasty, hearty classic dishes all by themselves. ¿ Every step is explained in clearly arranged and well structured picture-by-picture instructions. Using this book, children are able to cook and bake almost without completely without adult help. ¿ This strengthens a child’s independence and confidence. Experience how proud children are of their handmade delicacies for yourself!¿ ¿Contents: 18 easy, kid-appropriate recipes Neapolitan Pasta Bake . Ham Pasta Bake . Italian Pizza Smilies . French Tarte Flambee Salmon Rolls Baked . German Meatballs . Chicken Nuggets .Potato Wedges . Tomato Zucchini Bake Bacon Egg Muffin . Pigs in a Blanket . French Mini Quiche . Ham Spiral . Hamburger Rolls Pancakes . Green Salad . Carrot Salad . Cucumber Salad

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