Learn with Ladybird / Letters: A Learn with Ladybird Wipe-Clean Activity Book 3-5 years


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Join the students of Ladybird Class as they learn to write letters!Your little learner will join the diverse characters of Ladybird Class as they practise new skills every day. Packed with activities and games, Wipe-Clean Letters is developed and written by primary educators, making it the perfect book to support your child’s education.Join Zara Penguin, Tao Meerkat, Ali Lion, Olivia Crocodile, Noah Panda and Nia Hedgehog as they learn all the key skills your child needs to write their first letters. From building pen control confidence to introducing new letters, this book is ideal for developing letter formation skills.Packed with helpful notes for grown-ups to support your child’s learning and extension activities to bring learning to life in day-to-day activities, Wipe-Clean Letters is perfect for encouraging children to develop their early writing skills.Looking for another school-bag bestseller? Discover:Pen Control: A Learn with Ladybird Activity Book 3-5 years.Wipe-Clean First Words: A Learn with Ladybird Activity Book 3-5 years.

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