The Way Home for Wolf Board Book


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A sparkling story of friendship, set in the snowy Arctic, from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside – now in board book edition!Stubborn wolf cub Wilf doesn’t want help from anyone. Not from his friends or his family. Whatever it is, he can do it all by himself. But when Wilf finds himself lost and alone in the chill of the Arctic night, he discovers something important: sometimes we all need the helping hand of a friend.This positive rhyming story is perfect for stubbornly independent little cubs everywhere! Look out for more heart-tingling tales from Rachel Bright and Jim Field:The Lion Inside – over 195,000 copies sold in the UK aloneThe Koala Who Could – Winner of the Sainsbury’s Book Award and the Evening Standard Oscar’s Book PrizeThe Squirrels Who Squabbled

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