There’s a Unicorn in Your Book


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A brand new ‚Who’s In Your Book?‘ story from bestselling children’s book author Tom Fletcher. WHOOSH! A unicorn has galloped right into your book – how exciting! But – oh dear! This Unicorn doesn’t look very excited at all. In fact, he looks quite worried. Can you help to cheer him up? This brilliant new story combines interactive fun with an important message about the power of friendship, and how helpful it can be to share your worries with others. Who’s in Your Book?Interactive adventures for big imaginations Also in this series: There’s a Monster in Your Book: makes reading interactive and fun There’s a Dragon in Your Book: explores empathy and responsibility There’s an Alien in Your Book: explores acceptance and inclusion There’s an Elf in Your Book: explores following instructions and good/bad behaviour There’s a Superhero in Your Book: explores the power of kindness There’s a Witch in Your Book: makes tidying up fun

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