There’s a Witch in Your Book


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Help Messy Witch tidy up your book in this interactive Halloween treat from Tom Fletcher – now available as a board book! HOCUS POCUS! There’s a witch in your book and she’s making a terrible mess. Can you use your own magic to show Messy Witch who’s boss and help her keep your book tidy? A brilliantly interactive picture book from bestselling author Tom Fletcher – now available as a board book. Who’s in Your Book?Interactive adventures for big imaginations Also in this series: There’s a Monster in Your Book: makes reading interactive and fun There’s a Dragon in Your Book: explores empathy and responsibility There’s an Alien in Your Book: explores acceptance and inclusion There’s an Elf in Your Book: explores following instructions and good/bad behaviour There’s a Superhero in Your Book: explores the power of kindness There’s a Unicorn in Your Book: explores soothing your worries through sharing them There’s a Bear in Your Book: makes the bedtime routine fun

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