Who’s in Your Book? / There’s a Dragon in Your Book


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The brilliant sequel to There’s a Monster in Your Book, by bestselling author Tom Fletcher.OH LOOK, there’s an EGG in your book!But this isn’t any old egg – there’s a dragon in it . . . And pretty soon she has set your book ON FIRE. OH NO!Tom Fletcher and Greg Abbott have created a fantastically interactive sequel to their bestselling There’s a Monster in Your Book – now in board book size for little hands.Children will love stroking, poking and flapping the book to make magic happen as they turn the pages. Can they help Little Dragon find a way to stop the fire and fly off on her own adventure?Other titles in the In Your Book series:There’s a Monster in Your BookThere’s an Alien in Your BookThere’s an Elf in Your BookThere’s a Superhero in Your Book

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