Who’s in Your Book? / There’s a Superhero in Your Book


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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No – there’s a Superhero in your book!Use the power of your imagination to unlock Superhero’s super powers in this brilliantly interactive picture book from bestselling author Tom Fletcher. You’d better act quickly before the Scribbler ruins your book completely! A super fun book with a satisfying twist that celebrates the power of kindness and the true meaning of being a hero.Who’s in Your Book?Interactive adventures for big imaginationsAlso in this series:There’s a Monster in Your Book: makes reading interactive and funThere’s a Dragon in Your Book: explores empathy and responsibilityThere’s an Alien in Your Book: explores acceptance and inclusionThere’s an Elf in Your Book: explores following instructions and good/bad behaviourThere’s a Witch in Your Book: makes tidying up funThere’s a Unicorn in Your Book: learn how to soothe worries

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