Bluey: Magic Xylophone Sound Book


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Press the buttons to join in Bluey and Bingo’s game of Magic Xylophone in this super fun sound book with 5 different sounds! Do a „Ding!“ Bluey and Bingo love playing Magic Xylophone with Dad, but can they learn to share? Bluey and Bingo have a magic xylophone that can freeze Dad in space and time. Help Bluey and Bingo freeze and unfreeze Dad by pressing each of the coloured buttons on your Magic Xylophone when you spot them in the story. Also includes a sound button of Bluey and Bingo laughing! This is a brilliantly noisy gift for every Bluey fan! Can’t get enough of Bluey? Also available:Bluey: Let’s Stick! Sticker Scenes Book Bluey: Where’s Bluey? Search-and-Find book Bluey: Let’s Play Outside! Magnet book Bluey: Bluey and Friends Sticker Activity book Bluey: Little Library

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