Erdsee / Erdsee-Zyklus / Earthsea Cycle / Earthsea – The First Four Books


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One of the classic works of fantasy by renowned writer of the genre, Ursula K. Le Guin.’One of the literary greats of the 20th century‘ Margaret AtwoodAs a young dragonlord, Ged, whose use-name is Sparrowhawk, is sent to the island of Roke to learn the true way of magic. A natural magician, Ged becomes an Archmage and helps the High Priestess Tenar escape from the labyrinth of darkness. But as the years pass, true magic and ancient ways are forced to submit to the powers of evil and death. Including: A Wizard of Earthsea; The Tombs of Atuan; The Farthest Shore; Tehanu.

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