Hey Duggee / Hey Duggee: Advent Calendar Book Collection


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In the run up to Christmas, join Duggee and the Squirrels with this collection of 24 badge-worthy stories!Join your favourite Hey Duggee Characters in the countdown to Christmas! Find a mini storybook behind each door, including a special Christmas story for Christmas Eve.Stories include: The Snowman Badge, The Paddling Pool Badge, The Jam Badge, The Bubble Badge, The Mystery Badge and The Tinsel Badge.Don’t forget to put the books back in each window so you can reuse your Advent Calendar Book Collection every year!One more thing… Duggee Hug!Also available:Hey Duggee: Duggee and the Christmas BadgeHey Duggee: Duggee’s ChristmasHey Duggee: Countdown To Christmas lift-the-flapHey Duggee: Happy Christmas Sticker Colouring BookHey Duggee: Duggee’s Night Before Christmas

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