Spot’s Big Lift-the-flap Book


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Play and learn with Spot and his friends in this BIG first concepts lift-the-flap book, full of fun!Count animals in the farmyard, search for shapes in the garden, and find colours behind each door in this playful and interactive lift-the-flap book.- Learn about colours, numbers, shapes, and opposites with Spot and his friends- Lots of hidden surprises to find, with multiple flaps on every page- This large, sturdy board book featuring Eric Hill’s classic artwork is perfect for little handsEric Hill’s Where’s Spot? was the first ever lift-the-flap book – and his ground-breaking innovation continues to delight and surprise readers with interactive fun. Spot has now been a trusted character in early learning for over 40 years, selling more than 65 million books worldwide.Loved this? Try one of these:Where’s Spot?My Big Book of SpotSpot Goes to the FarmFind Spot at the ZooFind Spot at NurseryWhat’s That Sound, Spot?

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