Little Blue Truck Board Book


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Beep! Beep! Meet Blue! Filled with truck sounds and animal noises, Little Blue Truck is a rollicking homage to the power of friendship and the rewards of helping others. A muddy country road is no match for this little pick-up-that is, until he gets stuck while pushing a dump truck out of the muck. Luckily, Blue has made a pack of farm animal friends along his route. And they’re willing to do whatever it takes to get their pal back on the road. Little Blue Truck is a joyful cacophony of animal and truck sounds that will have youngsters beeping and quacking-and begging for one more go-round! This board book edition is perfect for little hands. Along the way, readers see that it pays to be kind to our animal friends. If we show a friendly respect to others, we’re more likely to get help when we’re, say, stuck in the muck in a truck!

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