The Extraordinary Book / The Extraordinary Book That Eats Itself


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A one-of-a-kind eco project book that practices what it preaches. It is completely reusable and recyclable! Most books are just meant to be read. But this is no ordinary book. This book turns itself into dozens of eco-projects to inspire you to think more about our planet. This book doesn’t just want you to read about reducing, reusing, and recycling. The Extraordinary Book that Eats Itself asks you to DO something about it, too. You can cut up, fold, tear, and reuse every single page- even the cover-to make all sorts of great projects, from planters and seed writing papers to eco-badges. There are eco-quizzes and nature games, growing projects, and organic recipes, bug hotels, and plastic-free diaries. All the activities can help you to change the way you think about the natural world, and how you can make a real difference. And don’t worry if what you do seems small. If everyone joins in, together we can make a BIG difference!

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